We would love the opportunity to visit your church or group online and share news about our mission work and encourage you with what God is doing through our ministry. Find out how to an invite a CWI missionary to visit your church online…
Read MoreYou don’t have to be an ‘expert’ to tell a Jewish person, or indeed anyone else, about Jesus. A consistent Christian life is a powerful testimony in itself but it helps to know something about the people to whom you are witnessing. And this includes Jewish people…
Read MoreAn update on how CWI is facing the Coronavirus pandemic and how our mission work is being affected by events that are unfolding across the world…
Read MoreWe engaged hundreds of Jewish people in conversations about Jesus this summer through our 40-strong team of missionaries and volunteers who had travelled from eleven different countries for two weeks of gospel outreach in North and Central London.
Read MoreInternational Mission to Jewish People CEO Joseph Steinberg was recently featured on UCB News to comment on the rise of anti-Semitism in the UK and also to share how he came to faith in Jesus.
Read MoreIf you have a desire to see Jewish people hearing about Jesus and turning to him, then leaving a legacy to CWI can be one of the most effective ways of ensuring that continues to happens.
God has been at work through CWI for over 175 years and a surprising amount of the funding which has greatly helped has come from faithful supporters who have left gifts in their Wills to CWI over the years.
Read MoreJust under a year ago Igal Vender met Vic, a Jewish drug addict, on the streets of Tel Aviv and invited him to a pop-up café for the homeless. Vic accepted the invitation and Igal was taken aback when Vic told him that he recognised Igal from many years before. This meeting marked an important turning point in Vic’s life.
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