Our update on the coronavirus pandemic

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.
2 Thessalonians 3:16



Dear Friend

I hope you and your family are keeping well and staying safe at this time of uncertainty.

I am writing to update you on the current situation regarding our missionaries and head office operations in light of the current Coronavirus pandemic and to seek your prayers as we face the challenging period ahead. 


Our missionaries across the world are adapting to new living and working conditions as recommended by their respective governments. Some are currently in self-isolation, while others shortly will be. 

We would be so grateful for your prayers for their safety and protection from the virus in the weeks ahead so that we can continue reaching Jewish people with the gospel. 

The restrictions on travel and movement are already having consequences on missionaries, not only in terms of meeting with Jewish contacts on a one-to-one basis but also for those who were planning on travelling to the UK for tours later this month. 

If you have arranged a missionary meeting at your church in March/April, our Speaker Specialist Helen Thompson will soon be in touch with you to reschedule. 


Restricted movement also means that our missionaries will not be able to visit their contacts in the ways in which they are normally accustomed.

Many of our missionaries have contacts who are elderly or in high-risk categories. Please pray for them as they isolate themselves from society and face the possibility of catching the virus. Pray that the eternal matters they have discussed with our missionaries will come to mind as they consider how they and their loved ones may be affected by the pandemic.

Also please pray for our missionaries as they stay in touch with their contacts, whether it be online, by phone, or by other creative means, during the coming weeks and months. 


In order to comply with government recommendations, our Head Office staff are set up and working from home in isolation so, God willing, there should be limited impact on our administrative operations.

Being away from the office means that it may take us a little longer to deal with some issues so please bear with us if this is the case.

In summary, please pray…

  • For our missionaries as they adapt to new ways of working and come up with creative reaching out to their contacts. And for protection against the virus. 

  • For our Jewish contacts, that God will bring good out of this difficult time for those our missionaries are in touch with, particularly those who are vulnerable. As they consider events around the world and their own mortality, pray that they will remember Jesus and turn to him for salvation.

  • For our Head Office staff as they adapt to working remotely and help us to continue the necessary administrative function of our mission work.

Let’s look to the Lord of peace, who promises to give us peace at all times, as we face the challenges which lie ahead together.
Yours gratefully in Messiah

Rev Joseph Steinberg

Isaac Stott