Leave a lasting legacy to International Mission to Jewish People

Hungarian CWI missionary Bogi with Sonja - an ederly Jewish Holocaust survivor who came to know Jesus through Bogi’s ministry but who has since gone to be with the Lord. By leaving a legacy you can help us see others - just like Sonja - come to know…

Hungarian CWI missionary Bogi with Sonja - an ederly Jewish Holocaust survivor who came to know Jesus through Bogi’s ministry but who has since gone to be with the Lord. By leaving a legacy you can help us see others - just like Sonja - come to know the Messiah. Read Sonja’s story here…


If you have a desire to see Jewish people hearing about Jesus and turning to him, then leaving a legacy to CWI can be one of the most effective ways of ensuring that continues to happens.

God has been at work through CWI for over 175 years and a surprising amount of the funding which has greatly helped has come from faithful supporters who have left gifts in their Wills to CWI. While such income cannot be relied on alone, we often find ourselves giving thanks to God for the dedication of those who have faithfully supported our mission work during their lives and have continued supporting us after their death through a legacy gift.

The stories of countless transformed Jewish lives have in large part been made possible by the faithfulness of our supporters who wanted to see Jewish people meeting Jesus long after they themselves had gone to be with him.

By remembering CWI in your Will, you will be ensuring that our missionaries, and those who follow after them, can continue in our vital work of telling Jewish people across the world about Jesus.

Contact us for further information. We are here to help.

Isaac Stott