Help Jewish people in Paris hear about Jesus

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Today, approximately 500,000 Jewish people live in France, making it the third largest Jewish population in the world after Israel and the United States. Within that number, 300,000 live in Paris, making it Europe’s largest Jewish community.

In Paris, you will find that the Jewish community is made up of those from right across the Jewish spectrum – from the highly religious to the completely secular and everything in between. Yet no matter the Jewish background or how religious, all feel under threat.

Jewish shops have been attacked, Jewish people are afraid to walk down the streets, Jewish synagogues have at times been put under siege. However, the one thing that all French Jewish people have in common is their urgent and desperate need of Jesus – he is the One who gives hope and peace.

But fear and insecurity have created a keen interest in spiritual matters among many French Jewish people. And this has opened many opportunities for our missionary, Aurel Vidal, to bring the comfort and security only found in Jesus.

God is using Aurel; Jewish people in Paris are engaging with the gospel and are being saved. And yet, despite all the good things we are seeing God do through Aurel – and despite the urgent need of the 300,000 Jewish people living in Paris – he is underfunded and his finances are in great need of support.

Read more about how God is changing Jewish lives through Aurel’s ministry and how you can help him…

Adam Shah