Make an eternal impact on Jewish lives
““…Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.’ ”
If your heart’s desire is to see Jewish people changed by Jesus’ saving power, then leaving a legacy to International Mission to Jewish People is one of the best ways of ensuring that will happen.
God has been at work for nearly two centuries through our mission. And a significant amount of the funding which has kept us going has come from faithful saints who left a gift in their Will.
Through our work, we can tell countless stories of Jewish people whose lives have been transformed as we have shared the gospel with them.
By including us in your Will, you will be ensuring that we can continue in our vital work of telling Jewish people about Jesus.
For further information on how to include us in your Will, our head office team is on hand to help. Call us on 01865 887830 or find more details here