Jewish people living in Paris today are facing their greatest challenges since World War II. Not only do they have the dangers of the pandemic to deal with but they are also facing the greatest rise in anti-Semitism in almost 80 years. And yet their greatest need is a spiritual one – they need to hear of Jesus so that they can be saved.

Our missionary in Paris, Aurel, is there to tell Jewish people about Jesus but he needs your help…



Aurel is a passionate evangelist with an immense love for Jewish people. He uses creative ways to engage those he meets with the Good News through:

Aurel comes alongside Jewish individuals and points them to Jesus. When one of his contacts come to saving faith, they are discipled and helped to settle in a local church.

Every week, Aurel visits three Jewish districts in Paris and engages Jewish people with the Good News. Gospel leaflets and New Testaments are distributed – each week around 60 Bibles are put into the hands of Jewish people.

Over the past 18 months, Aurel developed a series of online evangelistic Bible videos based on the weekly synagogue readings which present a Messianic perspective, with verses from the New Testament pointing to Jesus. One non-believing Jewish contact responded: ‘In these troubling times, it fills my heart with joy to read this commentary... We need this!’

Aurel remains faithful and consistent to his calling, and the Lord has been blessing his ministry and saving Jewish people in Paris. But your help is needed to see his vital gospel work continue…


Your support will help Aurel reach Jewish people in Paris – who desperately need Jesus


Your help will mean that Jewish people in Paris will hear about Jesus and be saved



To put the work Aurel does in context, today, approximately 500,000 Jewish people live in France, making it the world’s third-largest Jewish population after Israel and the United States. Within that number, 300,000 live in Paris, making it Europe’s largest Jewish community. The community in Paris is made up of those from right across the Jewish spectrum – from the highly religious to the completely secular and everything in between.

Over recent years, anti-Semitism has been on the increase across France. Jewish shops have been attacked, Jewish people are afraid to walk down the streets, Jewish synagogues have at times been put under siege. In addition, they have also had to deal with the turmoil which the pandemic has caused over the past two years.

However, this climate of fear and insecurity has created a keen spiritual interest among many French Jewish people. In turn, this has opened many opportunities for Aurel to bring them the comfort and security only found in Jesus.

And as Aurel has done so, Jewish people have been coming to know Jesus…


Jewish people are being saved in Paris but aurel needs your help

As Aurel has faithfully shared the life-saving message of Jesus with Jewish contacts, he has seen a number come to know their Messiah.

From a Holocaust survivor, to a young Jewish musician, and even to his own Hebrew teacher - we have rejoiced with Aurel as these contacts have come to faith in Jesus one by one.

But despite seeing such spiritual fruit in his ministry, Aurel needs your help...

Aurel is underfunded and in need of financial support. A good portion of his annual support would normally be raised through visiting churches in the UK but, sadly, this has been impossible since 2019 due to the pandemic.

God is clearly at work, saving Jewish lives through Aurel’s gospel proclamation but he needs your help so that his vital evangelistic work can continue and Jewish people can continue to hear about Jesus in Paris.


Your help will mean that those like Anthony (right) have the opportunity to hear about Jesus and be saved


Help see more Jewish people in Paris saved

This insight into Aurel’s fruitful ministry – as he reaches out to the huge Jewish community living on his doorstep – demonstrates that his missionary work is a worthy Kingdom investment.

Please consider supporting his work, either through a one-off gift or by setting up a regular standing order, so that he can continue to offer the hope and salvation of Jesus to Jewish people in Paris.