Jewish Londoners need Jesus. You can help them hear the gospel

As an international mission to the Jewish people working in ten different countries, it could be easy to overlook Europe’s third largest Jewish community – living right here on our doorstep in London. But we haven’t. Our London team is there to tell the 200,000 Jewish people living there about Jesus so that can hear the gospel and be saved. But they need your help…


responding to a spiritual shift in london

Today we are seeing a clear spiritual shift among Jewish people who are opening up to the gospel. There are many reasons for this shift. There is a deeper spiritual interest because of the pandemic, more Israelis have moved to London (and they are traditionally more open to hearing about Jesus), and this current generation of Jewish people are less conservative than those who came before them. All of these factors, and more, mean that now is the perfect time to grow our work in London once again – and we need your help.

We currently have two missionaries in London: Sarah Chan and Ida Tam. Our London team is faithful in their witness to London’s vast Jewish community, and the Lord has blessed their work in London over many years. But your help is needed to see their vital mission work grow…

International Mission to Jewish people missionary talking to Jewish man on the street in London

Your gift will mean more Jewish people in London hearing the message of Jesus from the team


London team missionary Ida Tam - your gift will help her and Sarah reach more Jewish Londoners with the gospel and will enable the team to grow further


sharing the light of jesus in london

Sarah and Ida are passionate and committed evangelists with a wealth of experience between them and who have given their lives to tell Jewish people about Jesus.

This change in attitude and openness to the gospel among Jewish people has been seen across their ministries and they have been there to provide biblical answers to spiritual questions.

This openness to the gospel from those who were previously closed to it has been very evident and increasing over the past two years. But we need your help to ensure that the team is funded to do their mission work and able to reach as many of the 200,000 Jewish people living in London as possible.


Help see more Jewish people in London saved

Many Jewish people in London are seeking spiritual truth and are more open to hearing the gospel than in past decades.

Sarah and Ida have committed their lives to serve the Lord full-time and see Jewish disciples made. The challenge they face in reaching London’s huge Jewish community is vast but the team is underfunded and in need of financial support. They need your help so that their vital evangelistic work can continue and grow, and so that Jewish people can continue to hear about Jesus in London.


Your gift will ensure that more Jewish people in London are given the opportunity to hear about Jesus from Sarah and Ida.


Help see more Jewish people in LONDON saved

Please donate now to help Jewish people in London hear about Jesus. You can do this through a one-off gift or by setting up a regular standing order.

Together, we can see more Jewish people come to know Jesus in London.