Your legacy will help transform the lives of JEWISH PEOPLE like LilI
As a very young child, Lili met and was greatly impressed by the faith of Dr Churcher and his staff, our workers who tended to the sick and shared the gospel with them in Haifa, Israel.
Over 75 years later, Lili met Rahel, one of our missionaries who began studying the New Testament with her. Despite the initial objections of her family, Lili was determined to find out about Jesus, whom she’d heard about from our workers as such a young child. Months of Bible studies with Rahel and many questions about the Messiah followed. We were overjoyed when Lili came to faith and began following Jesus!
Were it not for the legacy gifts of faithful supporters from the past we may not have been here to share the Good News with Lili.
Rahel with Lili in Israel and Dr Churcher who Lili met as a young child. Thanks to the legacy gifts of past supporters, she was able to study the Scriptures with Rahel and is now following Jesus.
“…Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.’ Luke 12:33
A Legacy can help International Mission to Jewish People continue to tell Jewish people about Jesus in the future. Gifts in the form of Legacies help provide the funds we need to reach Jewish people across the world, wherever they may be found.
You can be sure that your Legacy gift to International Mission to Jewish Peoplewill see Jewish lives transformed.
Why leave a legacy to International Mission to Jewish People?
If you have a desire to see Jewish people hearing about Jesus and turning to him, then leaving a Legacy to International Mission to Jewish People can be one of the most effective ways of ensuring that continues to happens.
God has been at work through International Mission to Jewish People for over 175 years and a surprising amount of the funding which has greatly helped sustain us has come from faithful supporters who have left gifts in their Wills to International Mission to Jewish People. While such income cannot be relied on alone, we often find ourselves giving thanks to God for the dedication of those who have faithfully supported our mission work during their lives and have continued supporting us after their death through a Legacy gift.
Your legacy will help future generations of Jewish people meet Jesus
The stories of transformed Jewish lives have in large part been made possible by the faithfulness of our supporters who wanted to see Jewish people meeting Jesus long after they themselves had gone to be with him.
Remembering International Mission to Jewish People in your will is one of the easiest and most effective ways of investing in our mission work among the Jewish people.
We understand that leaving a Legacy to International Mission to Jewish People in your Will is a very sensitive and important decision and we are on hand to help. If you would like further information about the types of legacies you can leave to see the work of International Mission to Jewish People continue, download our Legacies & Wills pack here or our Legacy leaflet here or please contact our head office on 01865 887830.
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