Saul finally finds salvation

Saul is an elderly Jewish Holocaust survivor, with whom Mark Landrum has been sharing teh gospel for a number of years.

Good life

Saul was a young boy in Hungary during World War Two and was captured by the Nazis but later released. After the war, having survived the Holocaust in Hungary, his family moved to Australia. Saul had a good career and a happy family life in Australia and, until very recently, clearly acknowledged this as God’s blessing in his life.

Tough times

Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse recently; he faced serious financial and family problems, had health issues and then, tragically, found himself homeless. These things have weighed heavily on Saul and he began thinking that God didn’t love him or was punishing him for something.

On more than one occasion he told Mark that although he had done his best to be ‘a good person’ he couldn’t understand why God was treating him like this. Mark explained to Saul that this is not how God works. He shared the gospel once again, explaining that God loves his people so much that he sent his only Son to pay the penalty for sin.

Source of comfort

Referring to Saul’s current housing issues, Mark went through how the Bible tells us that Jesus has promised to prepare an eternal place in heaven for those who follow him. Mark went on to tell Saul how the knowledge of this is a source of great comfort for believers as they go through hard times and challenges.

By the end of the conversation – and after many gospel conversations – Saul was finally ready to pray with Mark, repenting of his sin and embracing Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Praise God!

Give thanks for Saul’s profession of faith in Jesus and pray that, as Mark now disciples him, he will grow strong in his faith and love for his Saviour.

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